ASDP Frequency Check In
Friday 21st March 1pm - 2pm
On Zoom
ASDP Frequency Check-in is a space to network, ask questions, pose problems, talk about tech, shows, and everything in between, and connect with those you may or may not know.
Come and have a ‘tea break’ of sound with others and find new ways to connect! Open to all members.
Please note, the ASD reserves the right to make changes to the programme without prior notice. Such alterations may occasionally be necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.
All events will be filmed and photographed - your presence confirms your permission for the ASD to use any images or recordings of you in our publicity materials and seminar archive.
The ASD does not accept responsibility for anyone acting as a result of information or views expressed on its training courses including course material. Opinions expressed are those of individual trainers and not necessarily those of the ASD. Participants should take professional advice when dealing with specific situations.