ASDP - Mission Statement
The ASDP Board have created this Mission Statement document to focus our work for our members.
Our Mission Statement is founded upon our Core Values:
Community Support
Environment Responsibility
Responsible Working Practices
Our Mission Statement allows us to define these values, reflect upon the work that we already do and focus our aims for the future.
We believe that Sound is for everyone, regardless of background, income, race or religion. We want to make sure that our industry reflects the diversity of the world in which we live and champion under-represented groups. We also believe in serving the Sound Community across the whole of the UK.
What We Do Now
We interrogate our own biases and evaluate who represents us on panels, in our publications and in our seminars, always striving to give platforms to as many people as we can,
We host an Inclusion Working group to discuss issues and solutions,
We aim to hold at least one event each month online for those who cannot, or prefer not, to attend in person,
We can provide travel assistance to events to help with costs,
We have a paid Mentorship scheme to support access into the Industry,
We team up with other associations such as Tonic, Saffron and Applause for Thought to further our understanding of our practices.
Our Aims
To develop a plan and formalise an Inclusion Policy to inform future actions and direction of the ASDP
To invest in training a Board Member/s in the areas of Inclusion to effectively develop and guide this policy
We will actively look to develop the representation of ASDP Board members
We believe that we are all learning, wherever we are in our careers. We aim to serve our Sound Community by providing as broad an education programme as we can. We also provide the means for our membership to access peer support through our Forum and events.
What We Do Now
We offer a free program of seminars for our membership, spanning all subjects related to Sound,
We archive our activities and educational resources on our website to provide future resources,
We support an Educator ’s Working Group to encourage conversations regarding the education of students,
We have formed collaborations with Production Futures to reach young people who may have an interest in a career in Sound,
We run a funded Mentorship Scheme to help people further their careers
We deliver free outreach workshops focussing on Sound and Sound education.
Our Aims
To develop approved ASDP educational resources for Sound Professionals and Educators to deliver to increase the awareness of Theatre Sound in education,
To host a dedicated ASDDP Educators webpage to hold all our educational resources and guidance
Community Support
The ASDP was originally conceived to provide peer support in an otherwise isolating industry. We strive to honour this legacy by encouraging our membership to connect and form a community.
What We Do Now
We hold regular social events where our members can meet, catch up and network,
We host meeting groups to serve specific Industry sectors, eg for our Future Professionals and our Kaffeeklatsch meetings for our female, non-binary and trans sound makers.
We host an online and email Forum for members to share ideas and support,
We attend trade shows to connect with members and corporate members,
We are an active presence on Social Media, keeping our membership updated on our activities,
We have two regular publications, The Herald and The Echo, which we use to share more information about what we, our members and the Sound Community are up to.
Our Aims
To continue to develop events across the country with proportional representation to the demographic of our membership
To continue to develop individual support and collaborative networks for diverse groups within our membership
Environmental Responsibility
We all have a responsibilty to acknowledge the Climate Crisis and play our part in preserving the Environment upon which we depend. Much work has been done to improve theatre practices, but there is much left to do. We strive to make as small an impact as we can and to be open to new practices that will reduce harm to the Environment.
What We Do Now
We hold events in different locations across the UK so that our members can attend locally,
We hold events online to reduce travel where possible,
Our Board meet online and our AGMs are streamed online to our Membership
Whenever possible, we will encourage public transport for our Members, Board and visiting Educators
We make use of and encourage reference to The Green Book
Our Aims
To create specific guidance for the Theatre Sound community on ways to limit environmental impact
To actively support training for a board member/s to increase knowledge and awareness in this area to meet the above
Responsible Working Practices
We acknowledge our responsibility to influence the Industry in which so many of us work. We advocate for best work practices with regard to pay, working hours, working conditions and safety at work.
What We Do Now
We, along with our AAPTLE colleagues, advise organisations such as ABTT with regard to policy, e.g. the Return to Work policies post-Covid
We make use of and encourage reference to ABTT’s Reset Better initiative
Our Aims
To develop guides for best working practices for in Theatre Sound
To develop a clear fee structures document, in consultation with theatres and producers, to create a guidance for pay structures in the subsidised sector and beyond
To develop work with the Sound Wage Campaign to encourage commercial producers to appropriately reenumerate for all sound positions in this sector